How to Put Hold Music on Android

When you put a caller on hold, it’s essential to provide them with a pleasant and engaging experience. Hold music plays a vital role in keeping callers entertained and reducing their frustration while waiting. In this article, we will explore how to put hold music on your Android device, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable hold experience for your callers.

Understanding Hold Music

Hold music refers to the audio content that is played to callers when they are put on hold during a phone call. It serves as a way to occupy the caller’s attention and provide a more pleasant waiting experience. Hold music can vary in genre and style, ranging from soothing instrumental melodies to catchy tunes. The goal is to engage callers while they wait, reducing perceived wait times and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Benefits of Using Hold Music on Android

Implementing hold music on your Android device offers several benefits for both businesses and individuals.

Here are a few key advantages:

  1. Enhanced Caller Experience: Hold music adds a professional touch to phone calls and improves the overall caller experience. It helps create a positive impression of your business or personal brand.
  2. Reduced Perceived Wait Times: By playing engaging music, callers perceive shorter wait times, making their hold experience more enjoyable.
  3. Brand Reinforcement: Custom hold music allows you to reinforce your brand identity by incorporating your company’s jingle or a signature tune.
  4. Marketing Opportunities: Hold music presents an opportunity to promote new products, services, or special offers by including brief marketing messages during the hold duration.

How to Put Hold Music on Android

Now let’s explore three methods to put hold music on your Android device:

Method 1: Using Default Settings

  1. Open the Phone app on your Android device.
  2. Access the settings menu by tapping on the three-dot icon or the gear icon, depending on your device and Android version.
  3. Look for the “Call settings” or “In-call settings” option and tap on it.
  4. Within the call settings, locate the “Call audio” or “Call sound” option.
  5. Choose the “Hold music” or “On-hold audio” option.
  6. Select the desired hold music track from the available options or add a custom audio file from your device.
  7. Save the settings, and the hold music will now be enabled for your calls.

Method 2: Using Third-Party Apps

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  2. Search for “hold music apps” or “call waiting for music apps.”
  3. Browse through the available apps and read reviews to find a suitable one.
  4. Install the preferred app on your device.
  5. Launch the app and follow the provided instructions to set up hold music for your calls.
  6. Customize the music selection and settings according to your preferences.
  7. Save the changes, and the hold music will be activated for your calls.

Method 3: Creating Custom Hold Music

  1. Find or create a music file that you want to use as hold music. Ensure the file format is compatible with Android devices (e.g., MP3).
  2. Connect your Android device to a computer using a USB User Continue writing please ChatGPT cable or transfer the music file to your device through other means like email or cloud storage.
  3. Once the music file is on your Android device, open the Phone app.
  4. Access the settings menu by tapping on the three-dot icon or the gear icon.
  5. Look for the “Call settings” or “In-call settings” option and tap on it.
  6. Locate the “Call audio” or “Call sound” option.
  7. Choose the “Hold music” or “On-hold audio” option.
  8. Select the option to add a custom audio file.
  9. Browse through your device’s storage to find the music file you want to use to hold music.
  10. Select the file and save the settings.
  11. Your custom hold music will now be set for your calls.

How to Put Hold Music on Android

Best Practices for Choosing Hold Music

When selecting hold music for your Android device, keep these best practices in mind:

  1. Appropriate Genre: Choose a genre that aligns with your business or personal brand. Consider the target audience’s preferences and the image you want to portray.
  2. Length and Looping: Opt for holding music tracks that are long enough to cover anticipated wait times. Additionally, ensure the music loops seamlessly to avoid any sudden pauses or disruptions.
  3. Volume and Clarity: Test the hold music to ensure it is audible and clear without overpowering the voice quality during calls. Strike a balance between volume and clarity.
  4. Royalty-Free or Licensed Music: If you’re using copyrighted music, ensure you have the necessary permissions or licenses to avoid any legal issues. Consider using royalty-free music or creating custom compositions.

Tips for Optimizing Hold Music Experience

To enhance the hold music experience on your Android device, consider the following tips:

  1. Regular Updates: Change the hold music periodically to avoid listener fatigue. Fresh and updated hold music keeps callers engaged and interested.
  2. Custom Messages: Incorporate brief messages related to your business, such as promotional offers or important updates, during the hold duration. This allows you to utilize hold time for marketing purposes.
  3. Caller Feedback: Gather feedback from callers about their hold music experience. Monitor satisfaction levels and make adjustments based on their input.
  4. Quality Assurance: Regularly check the audio quality and ensure that the hold music is playing as intended. Conduct tests and seek feedback to maintain a high-quality hold music experience.

Implementing hold music on your Android device is a simple yet effective way to enhance the caller experience and reduce frustration during hold times. Whether you choose to use default settings, third-party apps, or custom music files, ensure the hold music aligns with your brand and engages callers effectively.

Remember to follow best practices for selecting hold music and optimize the experience with regular updates and custom messages. By putting hold music on your Android device, you can create a positive impression, reduce perceived wait times, and reinforce your brand identity.


  1. Can I use any music file to hold music on Android? While Android devices support various audio file formats, it’s recommended to use commonly supported formats like MP3. Ensure you have the necessary permissions or licenses for any copyrighted music you use.
  2. Are there any specific apps for creating custom hold music? Yes, there are several apps available on the Google Play Store that allow you to create custom-hold music or customize existing tracks for your Android device.
  3. Can I set different hold music for different callers or groups? The ability to set different hold music for different callers or groups may depend on the capabilities of your Android device and the phone app you’re using. Some advanced phone systems or apps offer this feature.
  4. **Can I change the hold music without User Continue writing please ChatGPT interrupting ongoing calls? Yes, changing the hold music typically does not interrupt ongoing calls. You can modify the hold music settings on your Android device without affecting the calls that are already in progress.
  5. Is it possible to disable hold music on Android? Yes, you can disable hold music on your Android device by accessing the call settings or in-call settings and turning off the hold music option. This will prevent any music from playing when callers are put on hold.

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