How to Turn Off Grammarly App, Browser Extension

As a copywriter, you know that grammar and punctuation play a big role in ensuring your content is on point. But what if you can’t get rid of an annoying grammar or punctuation error that keeps popping up? In this article, we’ll show you how to turn off the Grammarly app and browser extension from your computer.

Grammarly is software that helps users improve their writing skills. Some people find it helpful, while others find it intrusive. If you’re one of the latter, you might want to turn off the Grammarly app and browser extension.

How to Turn Off Grammarly App, Browser Extension

If you’re unhappy with the built-in grammar-checking features of your browser, or if you just don’t use them, you can disable the extension and the app.

Here’s how:

To turn off Grammarly for all websites:
1. Open your browser’s settings and click on ” extensions “.
2. Find and click on ” Grammarly “, then click on the grey button that says ” Disable “.
3. Click on ” Disable for all websites “.

How to Use Grammarly for Better Writing

If you’re like many people, you’ve probably installed the Grammarly app on your computer and used its browser extension to help you improve your writing skills. But is it really worth the price? Here’s a guide on how to use Grammarly without spending money.

Grammarly is a software that claims to help you improve your writing skills. The app is available for free on most platforms, and the browser extension is available for most browsers. The app has a range of features, including a grammar checker, spellchecker, and correction tool.

It also has an editor that can help you create documents with better formatting. The app also has a learning mode that helps you improve your grammar skills.

The cost of using Grammarly depends on how much you want to use it. The basic package costs $29 per year, and there are also premium packages that offer more features. The premium packages range in price from $59 to $199 per year.

There is also a subscription option that costs $9 per month. In general, the more features you want to use, the more expensive the subscription will be.

There are a few downsides to using Grammarly. First, the app can be difficult to use. It is also slow in some cases. Second, the app is not perfect. It can sometimes incorrectly identify grammar errors. Finally, the app is not always reliable in identifying spelling errors.

Disable Grammarly Keyboard on iPhone

If you’re one of those people who find Grammarly’s keyboard intrusive and disruptive, there is a way to disable it on your iPhone.

Step 1: Open the Settings app on your iPhone and scroll down to Keyboard. Under Keyboard, tap on the Enable switch next to the Grammarly Keyboard entry.

Step 2: Tap on the Disable switch next to the Grammarly Keyboard entry. You’ll now be able to use other keyboards without having to worry about punctuation mistakes.

How to Turn Off Grammarly App, Browser Extension

Turn off Grammarly on Android

When you’re ready to ditch the help of Grammarly, there are a few different ways to do so. You can turn off the app from your Android device’s app drawer, uninstall the extension from your browser, or disable it from running in the background.

To turn off Grammarly on Android:
1. Open your Android device’s app drawer and locate Grammarly. Tap on it to open the app.
2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen to hide all of Grammarly’s menus and widgets (this will minimize the app).
3. On the main screen of Grammarly, tap on the three lines in the top right corner of the screen to show all of Grammarly’s menus and widgets (this will maximize the app).
4. In the “General” tab, tap on “Disable.” This will disable Grammarly on your device.
5. To completely uninstall Grammarly from your Android device:
a. In your Android device’s app drawer, locate and tap on “Grammarly.”
b. Swipe left to reveal “Extensions” and tap on

Turn off Grammarly in Microsoft Word and Outlook

If you’re one of the many people who have installed Grammarly software or the browser extension to help you proofread your work, it might be time to turn them off.

The Grammarly software can be found on Microsoft’s Office website and the browser extension on Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. The problem with both of these programs is that they have a tendency to track your every move and start correcting your mistakes even if you don’t have anything wrong.

To disable Grammarly in Microsoft Word, open the program and click on the File tab. Then click on Options and select Proofing. In the left pane, under “Tools used while editing,” uncheck the box next to Grammarly. Click OK to close the Options window and apply the changes.

To disable Grammarly in Outlook, open the program and click on the File tab. Then click on Options and select Proofing. In the left pane, under “Tools used while editing,” uncheck the box next to Grammarly. Click OK to close the Options window and apply the changes.

Disable Grammarly extension on web browsers

How to disable the Grammarly extension in browsers:

1. Open the browser’s menu and choose “Tools”
2. Click on the “Extensions” tab
3. Look for the “Grammarly” extension and click on the “Disable” button next to it
4. Restart the browser if necessary

Turn off Grammarly in Chrome and Chromebook

If you’re annoyed with the ads and intrusive suggestions that Grammarly pop-ups in your browser, it’s time to disable the extension.

To do so:

1. Open Chrome’s settings menu (icon in the upper right corner of the browser window).
2. Click on “Tools” and then “Extensions”.
3. Locate the Grammarly extension and click on the “Disable” button next to it.
4. Restart Chrome if needed.

Disable Grammarly in Firefox

Grammarly is a browser extension and online app that focus on correcting grammar and spelling mistakes. The app and extension have been flagged by many users as being intrusive and unnecessary.

To disable the Grammarly extension in Firefox, follow these steps:

1. Open Firefox and click the menu icon (three lines stacked on top of each other) in the upper right corner.
2. Select Add-ons.
3. In the Add-ons window, click the Extensions tab.
4. In the Extensions window, click the Grammarly button to disable it.
5. Click the Close button to close the Extensions window.
6. Click the Firefox menu icon (three lines stacked on top of each other) in the upper right corner again.
7. Select Exit Firefox to close Firefox.

Disable Grammarly in Safari on Mac

If you’re a fan of Grammarly, but don’t want the app or extension to keep nagging you about your grammar mistakes, here’s how to disable it on your Mac.

First, open Safari on your Mac and click the Safari menu bar at the top of the screen. Click Preferences. Under the General tab, click Extensions. In the list of installed extensions, click Grammarly and then uncheck the box next to it.

Turn off Grammarly on Microsoft Edge

If you want to turn off Grammarly on Microsoft Edge, follow these steps:

1. Open Microsoft Edge.

2. Click the More (…) button in the top left corner of the screen.

3. Click Extensions.

4. Locate and click Grammarly.

5. Select the Disable button (the red X) next to Grammarly.

Turn off Grammarly on specific websites

If you want to disable Grammarly on a specific website, you can do so by following these steps:

1. Open the website in your browser.
2. Click the three lines in the top right corner of the screen.
3. Under “Tools,” click “Options.”
4. Scroll down to “General” and click the “Disable grammar check” button.


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